Nov 1, 2024
Minecraft Bedrock offers the ability for players to play with others through cross-play on other platforms such as Windows PC, Xbox Series S, Xbox Series X, PlayStation 5, and Nintendo Switch.
Server owners and players can take advantage of this feature and connect to their server from a console such as the Xbox to play with their friends from different platforms. This requires a player to edit their DNS servers and connect to a Shockbyte-hosted DNS server to enable a custom server list within Minecraft Bedrock.
While editing your DNS servers is harmless, we don't recommend editing your DNS servers outside of this guide if it is not necessary. If you experience issues with your internet connection you can reset your DNS servers by selecting the Automatic option under DNS Settings.
You can edit the DNS servers through the Network section of the System Settings on the Xbox.
On the home dashboard, press the middle Xbox button on your controller and navigate to Settings located under Profile & system.
Navigate to Network settings > Advanced Settings.
Locate the DNS Settings option and select Manual.
Set the value of Primary IPv4 DNS to
Set the value of the Secondary IPv4 DNS to your desired second DNS. For this example, we will be using Google's DNS
Press the Back button on your controller to test your connection.
Restart your console.
Once your DNS servers have been changed, you can connect to your server by joining using the Shockbyte DNS server.
Access your control panel and locate your IP Address.
Open Minecraft on the Xbox, click Play.
Navigate to Servers and select any of the available servers to open the server list.
Once in-game, click Connect to a Server.
Fill in the Server Address and Server Port fields with your server's unique IP and port.
Click Submit.
To learn more about Minecraft Bedrock server hosting, you can browse our library of Knowledgebase articles found here.
Game Experience Engineer @ Shockbyte