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How to Convert Worlds from Vanilla to Spigot



Nov 2, 2024

This guide is for converting your worlds from Vanilla to Spigot. If you're looking to convert your world from Spigot to Vanilla, take a look at this guide here.

If you've recently updated your server from Vanilla to Spigot, you may notice that your Nether and End dimensions have been reset; any changes you made in those dimensions have disappeared.

Not to worry, however, your progress hasn't been lost. The reason your Nether and End dimensions have reset is that Spigot stores dimensions in a different way to Vanilla. Spigot, as well as CraftBukkit and Paper, store their other dimensions in two separate folders named world_nether and world_the_end. Vanilla stores these dimensions in DIM-1 and DIM1 respectively, so you can restore your old dimensions by migrating the old data into the new folders.

Converting Worlds from Vanilla to Spigot

If you change to Spigot and want to transfer your dimensions, you can follow these steps:


Login to your server's control panel and Stop the server.


Navigate to your Files tab and open the affected dimensions:

  • If you need to restore your Nether world, open /world/DIM-1

  • If you need to restore your End world, open /world/DIM1


Download the Region folder from that directory onto your computer.


After the download is complete, navigate to the new dimension folder made by Spigot:

  • If you are restoring your Nether world, open /world_nether

  • If you are restoring your End world, open /world_the_end


Upload the region folder you downloaded in step 4 and confirm any overwrite prompts that may appear.


Start your server.

When you load into the affected dimension, your data should now be present.

minecraft pfp
Jay Miller

Game Experience Engineer @ Shockbyte