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How to Disable Player Advancement Announcements

Managing your Server


Dec 9, 2024

Advancement is a feature available exclusively on Minecraft Java Edition wherein players can complete tasks in-game. This feature assists new players into Minecraft's gameplay by completing challenges.

Once a player achieves an advancement, a sliding toast notification is displayed in-game on the upper-right corner of the screen for the player and is also broadcasted in the chat.

Advancement announcement
Important Reminder

You need to be an operator (OP) to be able to use these commands in-game. If you are not yet an operator, you can follow our guide here: How to get OP on a Minecraft Server.

If you would prefer to have the achievement to not be broadcasted in your server chat, you can easily do this by running the command /gamerule announceAdvancements false in-game. You may also use this command on you server console by removing the "/" symbol.

Servers Running 1.11.X and Earlier

For Minecraft versions 1.11.X and earlier, you may also disable advancement announcements in your server.properties file (How to Configure Your Minecraft Server) by changing the value of announcement-player-achievements to false.

Server properties file

If you want to know more about what other features you can change or customize through game rules, you can check this article: How to Use Game Rules in Minecraft.

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Zach Lowery

Game Experience Engineer