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How to Edit Configuration Files Manually with Notepad++



Sep 12, 2024

Although you can edit most configuration files on your server using our built in config feature or built in text editor, you can still download any config file and manually edit it with a text editor like Notepad++.

The traditional Notepad that is installed with Windows works, but is not ideal. Notepad++ offers many features that normal Notepad does not. Some features of Notepad++ include: easy spacing management, the ability to have multiple tabs open simultaneously, and more.

Manually Editing a Config File

Step 1:

Access your server's control panel and navigate to the Files tab.

Open your Shockbyte panel and click the files tab
Step 2:

Locate and select your desired config file(s), then click the Download button

Step 3:

Selected your downloaded file, right click it, then select Open With Notepad++

select your desired file, then right-click it, then select open with notepad++
Step 4:

Make your desired changes to the file, then save it by press LCTRL + S on your keyboard

Step 5:

Drag and drag the file back onto your panel, then click the Overide button if prompted

Upload your file back to your server then click the override button to confirm the changes
Step 6:

Restart your server to apply the changes you made

Click the restart button to apply your changes to the configuration file you just made

That's it! When your server boots up, you can expect your new configuration that you just uploaded to be used.

Kobe Plane

Game Experience Engineer