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How to Join a Minecraft Pocket/Bedrock Edition Server



Nov 1, 2024

If you would like to join a Minecraft Pocket Edition (Bedrock Edition) server, there are a few things to consider:

  • The server must be running any Minecraft Pocket/Bedrock Edition server type.

  • Have Minecraft: Pocket Edition installed on a supported platform e.g. Windows 10, Mobile Devices (NOTE: Xbox, PlayStation, and Windows 8.1 devices do not support joining servers via IP).

  • Your Minecraft: Pocket Edition application must be the same version that the server runs on. You can find the version on the bottom-right corner of the application.

How to Identify Your Server Address (IP & Port)

To get started, you need to identify the IP address of the server you want to join. If you own a Shockbyte server, you can find your server address on your Control Panel. This will be labeled as IP Address.

A Minecraft server's IP address as seen in the Shockbyte Panel.

In the example above, the server address is Breaking this down, the Server IP is the set of numbers before the : symbol, and after this are the last five numbers which are the Server Port.

How to Connect to Your Pocket / Bedrock Edition Server

Now that you have the server address, you're ready to join the server by following the steps below:

Step 1:

On the Minecraft Bedrock Edition application, press the Play button.

Clicking Play on Minecraft: Bedrock Edition to join a world.
Step 2:

Navigate to the Servers tab.

Opening the servers tab on Minecraft: Bedrock edition to join a Shockbyte server.
Step 3:

On the Servers tab, press the Add Server button.

Adding a server to a Minecraft: Bedrock edition client.
Step 4:

Enter your Server Name, Server Address, and Port.

Adding a server to your Minecraft: Bedrock edition game client to join and play.
Step 5:

Press Play to quickly join the server. You may also select Save to add the server to the servers list.

Step 6:

You're done! You can now play on a Minecraft Bedrock (Pocket Edition) server.

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Zach Lowery

Game Experience Engineer