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How to Kick and Ban Players from your Counter Strike: Source Server

Counter Strike: Source


Dec 7, 2024

Counter Strike: Source server admins have a wide range of commands at their disposal, including the ability to kick and ban players from the server. These in-game commands enable admins to efficiently remove disruptive or unwanted players from the server.


In order to run any of the commands on this page you will need to have been assigned flags to kick, ban and unban.

Using Admin Menu

Once connected to the server, an admin has access to various commands that can allow them to remove players from a server.


Once connected to the server, open the console using the ~ key.


Enter !admin in developer console to open the admin menu.

Counter Strike: Source admin menu with player, server, and voting commands for managing dedicated servers and mods on Steam.


Navigate to Player Commands, and select the appropriate menu for if you wish to kick or ban a player.

Counter Strike: Source player commands menu with options to slay, slap, kick, ban, gag, burn, or beacon players on dedicated servers.

Using Moderation Commands

Once connected with the required permission flags, you can use one of the following moderation commands to kick, ban, or unban players in-game.


Connect to your server.


Open the console. By default, this is done using the ~ key.


Enter the appropriate command, from the list shown below:


sm_kick <#userid|name> [reason]

Kicks the target player from the server.

sm_ban <#userid|name> <minutes|0> [reason]

Bans the player from the server.

sm_unban <steamid|ip>

Unbans a currently banned player of your choice.


Alternatively, you can use these commands in the Console section of your control panel.

That is it! Kicking and banning disruptive players helps you maintain control of your Counter-Strike: Source server. Now that you know how to manage these actions, you can keep your server in check. Make sure your rules are clear, and take action when needed.

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Jay Miller

Game Experience Engineer @ Shockbyte