Dec 14, 2024
GeyserMC is a proxy for Minecraft that allows Bedrock edition players to join Java/PC edition servers.
Since GeyserMC is just a proxy, worlds and players cannot actually exist on a GeyserMC instance. GeyserMC simply bridges the connection between a Bedrock player and an existing Java server. You can prevent the need for two servers by installing GeyserMC as a plugin, we also recommend this as it is the easiest way to setup GeyserMC.
If you’d like to allow Bedrock players that do not own a Java account to connect, please also install Floodgate using our guide here. We would highly advise not using the offline authentication type, as this will allow anybody to join as anybody else.
While some server hosts are unable to provide support for some bedrock platforms, Shockbyte offers support for the following platforms:
PC (Windows 10 Edition)
Mobile Devices (iOS, Android & Windows)
Kindle Fire
Fire TV
Gear VR/Oculus VR
Nintendo Switch (With further configuration)
Xbox 360/One (With further configuration)
Unfortunately, due to platform limitations, PlayStation 4 and 5 users cannot connect to GeyserMC servers without requiring further modification of the device.
The easiest way to use GeyserMC is to install it as a plugin on your existing Java server.
Download the latest version of the plugin from GeyserMC’s website based on the server platform that you are running. For this example, we will be using the PaperMC (Spigot fork) server type.
Use Geyser-Spigot for Spigot or Paper.
Use Geyser-Bungee for Bungeecord or Waterfall.
Use Geyser-Velocity for Velocity.
Use Geyser-NeoForge for SpongeVanilla or SpongeForge.
Access your control panel and Stop your server.
Navigate to the Files tab on your server.
Locate and open the plugins folder.
Upload your GeyserMC JAR file to the Plugins folder.
We recommend you also install ViaVersion at this step (if your server type supports it). ViaVersion helps ensure version compatibility between Java and Bedrock.
Start your server.
You can test your Bedrock connection by typing geyser connectiontest IP:PORT
into your server's console command line.
Your GeyserMC configuration should automatically adjust to your active IP and Port, so you can test/connect with your normal server IP. If the connection test fails, try restarting your server and checking the port in your GeyerMC config.yml file. Refer to the GeyserMC setup wiki for more information.
In some cases, you may need to disable enforce-secure-profile in your server properties for GeyserMC to work correctly. You can fix this by either installing Floodgate or following this guide.
A standalone GeyserMC setup requires you to have a server for both the GeyserMC instance itself and the Java edition server you would like to connect the proxy to. This is often used when you have many Bedrock players.
The requirements for a standalone setup are the following:
One Minecraft Java edition server that you wish to connect to the proxy (this can be Vanilla, Spigot, Craftbukkit etc.).
An additional Minecraft server to run the GeyserMC software.
The installation steps for the standalone version are almost identical to installing GeyserMC as a plugin. In particular, however:
Download and run Geyser.jar instead of downloading the plugin versions. You’ll need to install this as a Custom JAR using this guide.
Access the config file which is now located in the main server directory.
You will need to edit the remote: address
to reflect the address of your Java Minecraft server, instead of setting it to auto
Game Experience Engineer @ Shockbyte