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Optimizing bukkit to Reduce Lag

Reducing Lag


Oct 9, 2024

Nobody likes lag. Thankfully, Bukkit provides options that can optimize the performance of your server. This guide will show you the settings offered by Bukkit that you can take advantage of to optimize your server’s performance.


This article is specifically for Minecraft Java Edition servers, and depends on CraftBukkit, Spigot, or Paper to work.

Below is a list of settings from bukkit.yml and our recommended values for optimal performance in the order of most impact to least impact on performance. For help editing this file, reference our guide on modifying your Bukkit configuration.

For more detailed and advanced options you can adjust, feel free to check out this useful server optimization GitHub guide by YouHaveTrouble and contributors.

If you’re running a Spigot or Paper server, you can further optimize your server with even more options. You can learn more about optimizing Spigot with our guide on optimizing Spigot’s spigot.yml here.

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Zach Lowery

Game Experience Engineer