How to Add an Admin to your Squad Server

Making a player an Administrator allows them to kick players, ban players, change the current map and use a range of other admin commands. Admins are assigned to predefined groups made up of different sets of permissions.

The permissions available to each of these groups are completely customisable and there is no limit on the number of groups that can be created for your server.  

Note: You will need to know the players Steam64 ID before making them an Administrator.

Adding Admins to the Admins Config File

Once you have the Steam64 ID of the player you wish to make an Administrator, you will need to add it to your server's Admins.cfg file.

  1. Access your control panel and Stop your server.
  2. Navigate to Files > Config Files.
  3. Click Admins.cfg.

  4. Using the following format: Admin=<Steam64ID>:<AdminGroup> add your Steam64 ID to an admin group. 
  5. Click Save then Start your server.

Configuring Administrator Groups

Each Administrator has to be assigned to an Admin Group. An Admin Group is a set of permissions that will be available to everyone in that group.

  1. Access your control panel and Stop your server.
  2. Navigate to Files > Config Files.
  3. Click Admins.cfg.
  4. Add or remove permissions from a group. 

    For example: To remove the Kick permission from the Moderator admin group it should be set to Group=Moderator:changemap,chat,ban
  5. If you wish to add a new Admin Group you can use the following format on a new line: 
    Group=<GroupName>:<Permission 1>,<Permission 2></code

Available Permissions

Below is a list of available permissions and what they do. These can be added to or removed from any of the Admin Groups. A full list of admin commands and their corresponding permissions can be found on the Squad Wiki here.

Permission Description
changemap Allows the Admin to change the current map.
pause Allows the Admin to pause the server's gameplay.
cheat Allows the use of cheat commands.
canseeadminchat This group can see the admin chat + teamkills.
balance This group can switch teams regardless of team sizes.
private Able to set the server to private.
chat Able to both see and use Admin chat.
kick Able to kick players.
ban Able to ban players.
config Can set server configuration.
immune Player cannot be kicked or banned.
manageserver Able to manage/kill the server.
cameraman Allows Admin to enter spectator mode.
featuretest Access to Debug commands like Vehicle Spawner
forceteamchange Allows forced team changes
reserve Reserved slot access.
debug Debug Commands.
teamchange Change teams without penalty.

If you would like any additional information on how to configure your server, you can find our other Squad articles here.

If you require any further assistance, please contact our support at:

Mitchell Smith

Managing Director @ Shockbyte

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