How to Install Skyrim Together Reborn on your Skyrim Client

Skyrim Together Reborn is a community-made mod that provides a multiplayer feature to The Elder Scrolls Skyrim: V. This gives a game that is originally a single-player RPG, MMORPG features that have been requested by the fans for years.

Shockbyte's Skyrim Together Reborn servers run using this mod, allowing you to host your own dedicated server for Skyrim! 

Important: You can only install Skyrim Together Reborn on either the Collectors Edition or Special Edition of Skyrim.

Vortex Mod Manager

Vortex allows for an automatic installation of mods for your Skyrim client, by creating a local modded profile and downloading mods from Nexus Mod Manager.

  1. Open Vortex and click Games.
  2. Locate Skyrim Special Edition or Skyrim Collectors Edition and click Manage.
  3. Navigate to Skyrim Together Reborn and SKSE Nexus pages, and download them both via Vortex.
  4. Click the Kebab Icon on Skyrim, and navigate to Open... > Open Mod Folder.
  5. Open the folder SkyrimTogetherReborn and double-click SkyrimTogether.exe to launch the game.

Manual Installation

Manually installing Skyrim Together Reborn is an alternative method for those that don't want to use Vortex, which requires you to download files and put them into specific file locations.

  1. Navigate to Skyrim Together Reborn and SKSE Nexus pages, and download them both manually.
  2. Open Steam and locate Skyrim in your game library, right-click it and navigate to Manage > Browse Local Files.
  3. Open the Data folder.
  4. Extract all of the files from both Skyrim Together Reborn and SKSE downloads into this folder.
  5. To boot your modded client, open the SkyrimTogetherReborn folder and launch SkyrimTogether.exe.

To learn more about Skyrim Together Reborn server hosting, check out our library of Knowledgebase articles found here.

If you require any further assistance, please contact our support at:

Mitchell Smith

Managing Director @ Shockbyte

  • TES5, TESV
  • 8 Users Found This Useful
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