Included in the wide range of available commands to Mordhau server admins, is the ability to kick & ban players from the server. This allows admins to remove players that may be causing disruptive or unwanted behaviour, by using the in-game console commands.
Kicking Players
Once connected to the server, an admin can kick a player from the server using the kick console command.
- Once connected to the server, open the console using the ` key.
- Enter the command
kick <Username/PlayFabID> <Reason (Optional)>
. - Press the Enter key.
Banning Players
Once connected to the server, an admin can ban players from the server for a set amount of time using the ban console command.
- Once connected to the server, open the console using the ` key.
- Enter the command
Ban <Username/PlayFabID> <Duration> <Reason (Optional>
, the duration set is in minutes. - Press the Enter key.
Unbanning Players
Once connected to the server, an admin can remove a player's ban and allow them to join the server again using the unban console command.
- Once connected to the server, open the console using the ` key.
- Enter the command
Unban <PlayFabID>
- Press the Enter key.
To learn more about Mordhau server hosting, you can browse our library of Knowledgebase articles here.
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