How to Configure your Mordhau Server

A key feature of Mordhau dedicated servers is that you can configure all included game modes as you wish. It proves a variety of configuration that includes round time, respawn times, damage multipliers, modding and more!

Configuration options can be found and added in two locations, Mordhau Server Settings and Game.ini which are both accessible using your Shockbyte control panel.

Important: Before making any changes to your server config, ensure that you Stop your server & Start it once the change has been made.

Accessing your Mordhau Server Settings

Your primary server settings can easily be accessed using the Mordhau Server Settings located in your server's control panel.

  1. Access your control panel.
  2. Navigate to Files > Config Files.
    Shockbyte navigation menu
  3. Open Mordhau Server Settings.
    Shockbyte config files

Configuring your Server Settings

Once you have access to your server settings, you can make any required changes. The table below lists all of the available server settings.

Option Description
Server Name Sets the name on the server browser list.
Server Password Sets a password to connect to your server.
Max Players Sets the maximum amount of players on your server.
Admin Password Sets a password for players to use administrative abilities.
RCON Password Sets a password for players to connect to RCON and use administrative abilities.
MOTD URL Determines the webpage that is displayed when a player connects to your server.
Player Damage Multiplier Determines how much damage will be multiplied by when a player deals a light or heavy strike.
Team Damage Multiplier Determines how much team damage will be multiplied by when a player deals a light or heavy strike to a teammate.
Team Kills Before Kick Determines how many team kills are required for a player to be kicked from the server.
Disable Friendly Fire Flinching Disabling this will prevent a player's screen from flinching when they receive damage from a teammate.
Player Respawn Time Determines how fast a player will respawn after they have been killed.
Ballista Respawn Time Determines how fast a Ballista will respawn after being destroyed.
Catapult Respawn Time Determines how fast a Catapault will respawn after being destroyed.
Horse Respawn Time Determines how fast a horse will respawn after they have been killed.
Active Mods Used to determine what mods should be installed and loaded when the server is started.

Game.ini Configuration Articles

We have additional guides to teach you about the configuration you can make with Game.ini in the knowledgebase articles mentioned below.

Important: Game.ini is vulnerable to syntax errors, when making changes to this file please be careful.

To learn more about Mordhau server hosting, you can browse our library of Knowledgebase articles here.

If you require any further assistance, please contact our support at:

Mitchell Smith

Managing Director @ Shockbyte

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