How to Install Any Forge Modpack on Your Minecraft Server

Some modded Minecraft server owners may wish to install a custom Forge modpack. Generally, you can find popular Forge modpacks on our 1-click modpack installer, however, some modpacks may not be available for automatic installation.

If you are unable to find your desired modpack on our 1-click modpack installer, please request official support for the modpack by submitting a ticket. In the meantime, you will still be able to manually install any Forge modpack.

Important: We would highly suggest that you check out our 1-click modpack installer before you follow this guide, to see if your chosen modpack is already available.

Downloading Server Packs

Before you can install a Forge modpack to your server, you will need to download your desired mod pack. In this example, we will be downloading a modpack from CurseForge.

  1. Install the CurseForge Launcher.
  2. Click Minecraft in the sidebar, then select Browse Modpacks.
  3. Select the modpack you wish to use, then click Download Server Pack.

Installing Forge Modpacks Older Than 1.17

If you are installing a modpack that is using a version of Minecraft that is older than version 1.17, you will need to upload the mod pack to your server and set a custom jar file.

Important: In some cases, you will need to run the Forge Installer file first in order to download and install the necessary library files for it. This is usually the case when a folder called libraries doesn't exist yet.
  1. Rename the forge.jar file in your downloaded modpack to custom.jar.
  2. Access your server files via FTP, we recommend using Filezilla.
  3. Upload the server pack contents to the base directory of your server.
  4. Access your server's control panel and set your Server Type to Custom JAR.
  5. Save, then Restart your server.

Installing Forge Modpacks Newer Than 1.17

If you are installing a modpack that is using a version of Minecraft that is newer than version 1.17, you will need to upload the mod pack to your server and use the server type selector to configure your Forge version.

  1. Access your control panel and Stop your server.
  2. Set your Server Type to the Forge version of the modpack.
  3. Start your server to install all necessary forge server files.
  4. After the server finishes starting, Stop it, then reset your world or generate a new one.
  5. Access your server files via FTP, we recommend using Filezilla.
  6. Upload the server pack contents to the base directory of your server.
  7. Start your server.

To learn more about Minecraft server hosting, you can check out our library of Knowledgebase articles found here.

If you require any further assistance, please contact our support at:

Mitchell Smith

Managing Director @ Shockbyte

  • mods
  • 173 Users Found This Useful
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