When you are running a large variety of plugins or mods on your server, sometimes your client...
How to Analyze a Timings v1 ReportPre-requisites: You can create a timings report by following our guide. Once you have the...
How to Analyze a Timings v2 ReportPre-requisites: You can create a timings report by following our guide. Once you have the...
How to Analyze any Timings ReportAre you experiencing lag on your Minecraft server? Lag can be eliminated by finding and resolving...
How to Enable Startup Parameters on Your ServerA startup parameter is an advanced instruction for your server that is issued when the server...
How to Fix Lag by Reducing View Distance and Simulation Distance on a Minecraft ServerThis guide will show you how to reduce lag on your Minecraft server by reducing your View...
How to Reduce Entity Lag on a ServerNOTE: This article is specifically for Minecraft Java Edition servers. Entities are important to...
How to Reduce Lag on a FabricMC ServerUnlike SpigotMC and PaperMC, FabricMC does not come with any optimizations to the Vanilla server...
How to Reduce Lag on a Forge ServerForge is the most prominent server type for running a modded server. Unlike the popular server...
How to Switch Your Minecraft Server to PaperMC/PaperSpigotSwitching your server type to PaperMC is one of the best choices when trying to get the most...
How to Take a Timings Report on Your Minecraft ServerPlease note: This guide applies to Spigot, PaperSpigot and SpongeForge servers - it will not work...
How to Troubleshoot Lag on a Forge ServerThis guide will show you how to troubleshoot lag on your Minecraft Forge Server, including...
Optimize paper.yml to Reduce LagNOTE: This article is specifically for Minecraft Java Edition servers, and depends on Paper to...
Optimizing bukkit.yml to Reduce LagNOTE: This article is specifically for Minecraft Java Edition servers, and depends on...
Optimizing spigot.yml to Reduce LagNOTE: This article is specifically for Minecraft Java Edition servers, and depends on Spigot or...
Using Plugins to Reduce Lag on Your Minecraft ServerNOTE: This article is specifically for Minecraft Java Edition servers, and depends on Spigot or...
What are the Different Types of Minecraft Server lag?There are a few different types of lag that can occur on your Minecraft server. Reasons for this...