How to Use Teleport Commands

Teleport commands allow for player and entity travel (both to and from a target destination), transporting to specific coordinates as well as being able to rotate the entity to face in a particular direction or at another entity

Teleport commands in Bedrock Edition are written slightly differently, though they have the same effect. Additionally, Bedrock Edition allows you to check for blocks at the target destination to prevent player or entity suffocation using the checkForBlocks extension to your command.

Syntax for Java Edition

Command Execution
/teleport (location)
(e.g. /teleport 123 45 678)
To teleport (the entity running the command) to a set of coordinates
/teleport (destination) To teleport (the entity running the command) to the location of another target
/teleport (targets) (destination) To teleport a target to the location of another target
/teleport (targets) (location) facing (facingLocation) To teleport a target to a set of coordinates facing the direction of another set of coordinates
/teleport (targets) (location) [(yRot) (xRot)] To teleport a target to a set of coordinates and rotate the direction the target will be facing


  • location or x y z are coordinate points to teleport to.
  • destination is the name of the player (or a target selector) to teleport to.
  • yRot is optional, it is the y-rotation of the entity after teleportation in degrees. 0 = South, 90 = West, 180 = North, 270 = East
  • xRot is optional, it is the x-rotation of the entity after teleportation in degrees. Positive values look downward and negative values look upward. 0=facing forward, 90 = facing straight down, -90 = facing straight up
  • targets or entity is the name of a player (or a target selector) to teleport.
  • facingLocation is the x y z coordinate that the entity will face after being teleported.

Target selectors

Target selector Description
@p Targets the nearest player
@r Targets a random player
@a Targets all players
@e Targets all entities
@s Targets the entity that is executing the command (self)

(Note: For @e see the full list of namespaced entity ID’s here)

Syntax for Bedrock Edition

Command Execution
/teleport (x) (y) (z) [yRot] [xRot] To teleport the entity running the command to a set of coordinates
/teleport (x) (y) (z) facing (lookAtPosition) To teleport the entity running the command to a set of coordinates facing the direction of another set of coordinates
/teleport (x) (y) (z) facing (lookAtEntity) To teleport the entity running the command to a set of coordinates facing the direction of a target entity
/teleport (victim) (x) (y) (z) [yRot] [xRot] To teleport a target to a set of coordinates
/teleport (victim) (x) (y) (z) facing (lookAtPosition) To teleport a target to a set of coordinates facing the direction of another set of coordinates
/teleport (victim) (x) (y) (z) facing (lookAtEntity) To teleport a target to a set of coordinates facing the direction of a target entity
/teleport (destination) To teleport the entity running the command to the location of another target
/teleport (victim) (destination) To teleport a target to the location of another target
[checkForBlocks: Boolean] Extension to the end of your teleport command which checks for a block at the destination. (Boolean true or false).


  • x y z are coordinate points to teleport to.
  • yRot is optional, it is the y-rotation of the entity after teleportation.
  • xRot is optional, it is the x-rotation of the entity after teleportation.
  • lookAtPosition is a set of x y z coordinates that the entity will face after being teleported.
  • lookAtEntity is the name of a player (or a target selector) that the entity will face after being teleported.
  • victim is the name of a player (or a target selector) to teleport.
  • destination is the name of a player (or a target selector) to teleport to.
If you require any further assistance, please contact our support at:

Mitchell Smith

Managing Director @ Shockbyte

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