How to Add a New Admin User on your tShock Terraria Server

The tShock admin group holds a variety of permissions which gives administrators access to almost all in-game tShock commands. While logged in as a tShock owner, it is possible to create new users with Admin access or migrate existing users to the admin group.

Important: To manage users and user groups, you must first install and setup tShock by following this article.

Adding a New Admin User

While logged in as a tShock owner, create a new user with admin permission using a chat command.

Alternatively, you can enter these commands from your server's console page. If you use commands from the console, you do not need to include the /sudo part of the command.

  1. Type the command /sudo /user add <USERNAME> <PASSWORD> admin.
  2. Instruct the user to type the command /login <USERNAME> <PASSWORD>.

Changing an Existing User's Group to Admin

While logged in as a tShock owner, set the existing user's new group using a chat command.

Alternatively, you can enter these commands from your server's console page. If you use commands from the console, you do not need to include the /sudo part of the command.

  1. Type the command /sudo /user group <USERNAME> <NEW GROUP>.

To learn more about Terraria Game server hosting, you can browse our library of Knowledgebase articles here.

If you require any further assistance, please contact our support at:

Mitchell Smith

Managing Director @ Shockbyte

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