عرض المواد المحددة 'Java edition'

 Configuring Floodgate 2.0 for Geyser Authentication

Floodgate is an optional add-on plugin for Geyser which allows Bedrock players to...

 Configuring GeyserMC to Allow Bedrock Clients to Connect to Java Servers

GeyserMC is a proxy for Minecraft that allows Bedrock edition players to join Java/PC edition...

 How to Analyze a Timings v1 Report

Pre-requisites: You can create a timings report by following our guide. Once you have the...

 How to Analyze a Timings v2 Report

Pre-requisites: You can create a timings report by following our guide. Once you have the...

 How to Install Sponge on a Forge Server

You may learn more about SpongeForge and the Sponge project by visiting the official Sponge...

 How to Install Sponge Plugins

By default, Forge server type only supports mods and cannot run plugins. However, the SpongeAPI...