How to Join Your Project Zomboid Server

This article will cover how you can join your Project Zomboid server in a few simple steps.


Joining your game using the in-game filter is the easiest way to join.

  1. Login to your server’s control panel and identify, copy your Server Address using the following Knowledgebase article.
  2. Next, open your Project Zomboid game, and click JOIN.
  3. On the right side, input the IP address you copied in Step 1 into IP:
    1. Input the port under Port:
    2. Enter an Account Username and Account Password as those are required.
    3. Choose a Favorite Name for your server.
  4. Click Save and Refresh.


This section will cover how you can join your Project Zomboid server via Steam favorites.

  1. Login to your server’s control panel and copy your Server Address.
  2. In the Steam client top left, click View > Game Servers.
  3. Click the Favorites tab, then Add server by IP.
  4. Paste the Server Address into the popup box and click OK.
  5. Choose your server from the list and click Connect.

You have now successfully connected to your zomboid server!

If you require any further assistance, please contact our support at:

Mitchell Smith

Managing Director @ Shockbyte

  • 3 Users Found This Useful
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