How to Ban or Unban a Player from Your Starbound Server

This guide will teach you how to ban, unban, or kick players on your server.

Note: You will need to be a server administrator before you can use commands in-game. We have a guide on becoming an admin on your Starbound server here.

Listing Connected Players

Before you can ban a player, you must know their playerSpecifier. This can be three things: client ID, server nickname, or UUID. Using the /list command in-game will output all three for every player with the following format:

clientID : server nickname : UUID

For example, a server with two online players will have the following output:

$1 : Shockbyte : $$cca43b1123fa0d6001abc5643ca2ca
$2 : Mitch : $$c41234eeb7643925cvb0f3f22a0438a8

This means that the player with server nickname Mitch has a clientID of $2 and a UUID of $$c41234eeb7643925cvb0f3f22a0438a8.

The clientID can vary between sessions as this is based on the order of connection to the server. Similarly, the server nickname will change when a player connects with a different character. The UUID is the playerSpecifier that never changes between sessions, so we recommend that you ban players using their UUID.

Ban and Unban a Player Through Commands

The following commands are used to ban players.

/ban playerSpecifier [reason] [type] [time]

This command bans a player.

The [reason] setting tells the player why they are banned.

The [type] setting accepts ipuuid, or both. This means that a player is banned by their IP, their UUID, or both.

The [time] setting determines how long a player is banned in seconds. If you don't specify a time, the player is banned permanently.

Example: /ban $$cca43b1123fa0d6001abc5643ca2ca "griefing" both 60 Bans the player with UUID of $$cca43b1123fa0d6001abc5643ca2ca based on their UUID and IP address with the reason of "griefing" for 60 seconds
Example:/ban $1 Bans the player with UUID of $$cca43b1123fa0d6001abc5643ca2ca based on their UUID and IP address with the reason of "griefing" for 60 seconds

The following commands are used to unban a player.

/unbanip IP This command unbans a player based on their IP.
/unbanuuid UUID This command unbans a player based on their UUID.
Example: /unbanip 123.456.789.012 Unbans the player with IP of 123.456.789.012.
Example: /unbanuuid $$cca43b1123fa0d6001abc5643ca2ca Unbans the player with UUID of $$cca43b1123fa0d6001abc5643ca2ca

Kicking a Player

You can kick a player from your server by using the commands below.

/kick playerSpecifier [reason]

This command temporarily disconnects the specified player.

The [reason] setting is optional and tells the player why they are banned.

Example: /kick Shockbyte "Bad words" Kicks a player with server nickname Shockbyte from the server with the reason of "Bad words".
Example: /kick $$cca43b1123fa0d6001abc5643ca2ca Kicks the player with UUID of $$cca43b1123fa0d6001abc5643ca2ca from the server without a specified reason.

Ban and Unban Players Through the Config File

You can manually ban players by entering their UUID or IP in the config file, as well as the reason for banning.

    1. Log in to your control panel and Stop your server.
    2. Navigate to Files > FTP File Access.
    3. Click storage.
    4. Look for starbound_server.config and click on Edit to its right.
    5. Find the server settings "bannedIPs" if you want to manually ban someone through their IP address or "bannedUuids" if you want to ban them through their UUID.

a: The format for "bannedIPs" is: "bannedIPs":


   "ip" : "",

   "reason" : "IP ban reason 1"

}, {

   "ip" : "",

   "reason" : "IP ban reason 2"

}, {

   "ip" : "",

   "reason" : "IP ban reason 3"


b: The format for bannedUuids is:

"bannedUuids" : [{

   "reason" : "UUID ban reason 1",

   "uuid" : "cca43b1123fa0d6001abc5643ca2ca"

}, {

   "reason" : "UUID ban reason 2",

   "uuid" : "bbc23b1123fa0d6541abc5643ca2fe"

}, {

   "reason" : "UUID ban reason 3",

   "uuid" : "df092efeba561f6675812a6aac456f3cc1aa4"


Note: If you are banning multiple users, ensure that you add a comma (,) after each closing bracket, with the exception of the last user.

  1. Press Save.
  2. Start your server.

Resetting Your Server Bans

You can also remove all the bans on your server by following the instructions below:

  1. Log in to your control panel and Stop your server.
  2. Navigate to Files > FTP File Access.
  3. Click on storage.
  4. Look for starbound_server.config and click on Edit to its right.
  5. Find the server settings "bannedIPs" and "bannedUuids".
  6. Erase everything between the square brackets, such that the only remaining settings are "bannedIPs" : [], and "bannedUuids" : [],.
  7. Click Save.
  8. Start your server.

Congratulations! You now know how to manage your server's ban list.

If you require any further assistance, please contact our support at:

Mitchell Smith

Managing Director @ Shockbyte

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